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Climate-neutral company site

Since 01.01.2020, Zeller+Gmelin, along with its subsidiaries Südöl and ZG Fluidmanagement, has been climate-neutral at its Eislingen site. The Kyoto Protocol triad principle (1997/2005) was applied:

After a very work- and time intensive process, we've identified the CO values of the Eislingen site and determined the carbon footprint. Thanks to various energy-saving projects and technical measures, we’ve already been able to significantly minimise our CO values: Whether it’s the use of photovoltaic systems, more energy-efficient transformers or targeted heat recovery, we looked closely at practically every area where savings could still be achieved. As a result, Zeller+Gmelin was certified according to energy management standard DIN EN ISO 50001:2018. The remaining CO values were offset by climate certificates, with Zeller+Gmelin supporting sustainable climate protection projects in developing and emerging countries.

All products are produced, stored and delivered in a climate-neutral environment in accordance with the motto „Climate-neutral development, production and management“!

Best practice energy management

Together with Umwelttechnik BW, Zeller+Gmelin made a video on the topic of energy management and climate neutrality at the end of 2020.

Umwelttechnik BW is a partner in the EU project INNOVEAS. The project aims to make small and medium-sized enterprises aware of the benefits of energy audits and energy management. In addition, SMEs are to see from best practice examples that they too can contribute to climate protection with well thought-out energy and climate management.

​​​​​​​Zeller+Gmelin stands here as a best-practice example for the chemical industry cluster. Via INNOVEAS, the film will be broadcast not only throughout Germany, but also throughout Europe.

Certificate Clima neutral Company
